October 31, 2010


Yellow Zone :(
My cold is back, and with a vengeance.  What started as a head cold has traveled through my throat and into my lungs...As an asthma child, this was a VERY natural progression for me, and I was at the doctor with a juicy wheeze and either pneumonia or bronchitis at least once a year.  However, I haven't had EITHER since my freshman year in college (knock on wood), and my asthma has been almost nonexistent minus the occasional shortness of breath that comes when I overdo a workout.  However, all day I have been feeling a gradual tightening of my chest and felt my breathing become more and more shallow... I just dusted off my handy peak flow meter, a very basic gadget that measures your breathing...basically you just exhale a quick puff of air and it moves a little thingy down the meter depending on how strong your breath is.  Well, I'm in the "yellow zone" for the first time in years.  :-/  I guess this means I haven't totally grown out of my asthma!  (even though I was insisting to my doctor that I had just a few months ago...)

What else does it mean?  Well, I'm still going to school tomorrow.  You'd have to kill me before I stayed home voluntarily on a Monday.  I will at least make it for the morning...and actually, I don't feel HORRIBLE, just not my best.  In terms of asthma, all the "yellow zone" really means is it's time to dust off "puffy" (aka my inhaler) and take it every few hours.  Oh, and no spontaneous runs up and down the stairs tomorrow.  I REFUSE to be sick again.  I guess I should probably get to bed and rest up...And did I mention I only have about half of a voice?  Oh, and I'm supposed to be observed Wednesday?  This should be an INTERESTING week...

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