June 13, 2011

Muddy Buddy

We Came, We Ran, We Biked, We Climbed, We Crawled, We Got MUDDY!
Left: College Roomie, Right: Me :)

I'll post a full race recap in the next couple days.  :)  College Roomie and I drove down to Florida after the race to stay with Older Brother and Sis-in-Law for a couple days and are just enjoying some relaxing time...

Bliss.  :)


  1. NEAT! I saw this advertised in Runner's World!! Which one is you?

  2. ahhhhhhhhh!! can't wait to hear about the Muddy Buddy race! And the beach!!!!!!! so jealous! have fun :)

  3. SOOO excited to hear the recap! It looks like and absolute blast.

  4. Awesome! Love mud runs! Looking forward to reading about how it went.
