July 14, 2011

Oh My! 100+ Followers?! Giveaway Time!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you wonderful, fabulous, amazing readers!  I can’t believe I surpassed 100 followers this week.  Whether you have been with me since that *horrible* first year teaching where this blog mostly consisted of my classroom woes or whether you are a brand new follower; whether you are a teacher or a runner or both (or neither!), thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me through good days in the classroom and bad, through epic long runs and injury upon injury.  You. Rock.

To show my appreciation, I am hosting my first giveaway of a few of my favorite things!  One follower will win this collection of goodies…
~Pretty Stainless-Steel water bottle:  I have a few of these guys and am OBSESSED.  One day I forgot to bring my bottle to school with me and literally freaked out.  They are wonderful for staying hydrated all day long, whether you are exercising or running around a classroom chasing kiddos. :)

~2 pairs running socks: These socks are not super fancy so I would not recommend you run a MARATHON in them, but they are sweat-wicking and cute.  1 pair has bright pink feet, the other gray.

~13.1 Car Sticker: My wonderful coworker gave me a 13.1 car magnet for inspiration during my training for my first half.  If you’ve run 13.1 or are training for your first half, I hope you like this sticker!  If you’re not a runner (or have long surpassed 13.1!), pass this on to a runner friend. :)

~2 Energy Gels: You will receive 1 Chocolate Outrage Gu and 1 Razz Clif Shot.  I’m currently all about the chocolate Gu, but Clif Shot Razz was my fuel of choice during training for my first half earlier this year.

~Picture frame: I am a huge sucker for quotes and mantras.  You have probably seen my pictures of the encouraging words that I Sharpie onto my wrist/hand/arm before challenging runs.  I have a favorite mantra in a little frame similar to this one on my dresser, and I and love the daily reminder:
Giveaway Frame
Feel free to use the frame to display YOUR personal mantra (or a picture!), but I’ve included one of my current favorites: “Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are able.” –Zig Ziglar

How to win...

Mandatory: Be a follower of Juice Boxes & Crayolas!  Leave a comment and let me know!
Bonus Entries: 
~Post about this giveaway on your blog, facebook, or twitter.  Leave a comment for each! (+1 entry for each)
~Leave a comment below and tell me which item from this giveaway is your favorite and why (+1 entry)
~Leave a comment below and tell me why you LOVE running (or another form of exercise if you’re not a runner!) (+1 entry)

This giveaway will be open until next THURSDAY, July 21st at midnight.  I will use Random Number Generator to select a winner Friday morning! (7/22)  Good luck!


  1. I am a follower! :)
    P.S. I have a fun giveaway happening now too! Check it out!

  2. My favorite is the the water bottle. I love those things as well!

  3. I think running is alright (ha! ) especially when I have a partner. Not to talk with (i get winded) just for support. :)

  4. I am so a follower! Yours is my favorite teacher blog FO SHO!

  5. I think my favorite thing is the flip flop with the quote. That would be a nice thing to keep on my desk and keep me sane.

  6. I love running because it is my therapy. It gives me something to look forward to, and it keeps me in shape.

  7. I shared the giveaway on my facebook page!

  8. Tweeted the giveaway!! (Are you on twitter or FB?) We should be friends!

  9. eeeeeek!!!!! love this. posted on my FB.

  10. i am really excited for the socks. I have a weird obsession with running socks. I think mostly just because...when my feet feel good. I feel good. haha!

  11. I LOVE running because it leaves me feeling strong, confident and ALIVE.

  12. posted to the sidebar of my blog

  13. LOVE.IT.ALL but I especially love those socks!

  14. Of course I am a follower! :)

    I love exercising- especially lifting & dance classes! Those socks could always come in handy!

    I also love love love the water bottle. You can't ever have too many of those! I take mine to school too and without it I feel like my day is just not the same!

  15. Hi. I'm a new follower--found you via Fit Crafty English Teacher. I am also a teacher/runner/vegetarian/tree hugger/wine lover!

  16. My favorite is the 13.1 bumper sticker. I've always wanted to get one (probably for my classroom), I just never have.

  17. I love running because I don't need a gym or equipment or a teacher to do it--just get dressed and get the road.

  18. I love the socks! i can never have enough pairs of running socks. I'm always losing a pair in the laundry somewhere!! HA!

  19. Ok, I pick the socks as my fave because I happen to have that exact set in pink and grey and I love them! Not for long runs, but they are my favorite hiking socks ever!

  20. I posted your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog

  21. I love running because it is my time to de-stress, and I feel so energized when I'm done!

  22. I love running because it makes me feel more confident about myself!

  23. I think my favorite item in the giveaway is the cute socks. I need some wicking socks, I only have 2 pair, which are always dirty, so most of my running is done in plain old sweaty cotton socks. I'm too cheap to buy the good kind!

  24. I love running because it has changed my body for the better, given me an outlet when stressed and has made me a better role model for my daughter!

  25. Added it to my sidebar: http://www.babyweightmyfatass.com/

  26. My favorite item would be the 13.1 race sticker. Magnets fall off in the car wash!

  27. Why I love to run? Because it's my "Me" time. When I don't have to worry about someone else for a little while just myself.

  28. Love running since it frees my mind and soul to let loose!

  29. I just found your blog. I'm a new follower!


  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I would like any of the prizes, but if I had to pick one.....it would be the water bottle!


  32. I have completed 3 half marathons, and it feels GREAT to cross that finish line!!


  33. I am now a follower even though I had already subscribed by email a few weeks ago! :)


  34. My favorite item is the picture frame, and if I win I intend to put it on my desk at school and use it in the same way you do-positive inspirational quotes!


  35. I loved running when I was 17-not so much now that I am 40 mainly because I JUST CAN'T DO IT! Having said that, I am trying to start exercising again and making it a part of my life(forget cutting out the food-A girl's gotta eat!). :) One thing that I have found that I loooove is Zumba! It rocks!

  36. I posted about your giveaway on my teaching blog!


  37. I posted about your giveaway on my facebook page!


  38. I posted about your giveaway on my twitter account!


  39. I love the flip flop frame and your mantra :)

  40. And I posted a link on my facebook

  41. hmmm...my favorite item is probably the 13.1 sticker.
    i haven't run a half yet...but someday i will. someday...

  42. Hands down, my favorite item in this giveaway is the 13.1 sticker. I've been looking for one of these since I ran my first half in May, but my running store always seems to be out when I go. The water bottle is pretty cool, too!

  43. I love running because it's hard work and takes dedication. It gives me such a sense of accomplishment to know that I am out there day after day doing something that others think is 100% crazy. I love the look on non-runners' faces when I tell them that I spend my weekends and vacations running such long distances. The reaction I get about crossfit is even more entertaining. People just don't get it, but they would if they tried it!

  44. I posted this giveaway on my blog!

  45. I love the flip flop...wish I lived at the beach! Miss B, Busy Bee

  46. I posted on facebook about this giveaway! Miss B, Busy Bee

  47. I love exercise cause it clears my mind and improves my posture! Congrats on 100, I just hit it too...stop over and enter my giveaway! Miss B, Busy Bee

  48. I love the water bottle the most! I am obsessed with water bottles! To bad I didnt drink out of them more often :)

  49. I love running because I feel unstoppable and that I can accomplish anything when I run! Best feeling ever!!! The endorphins are unmatchable! :)

  50. I like running because it helps me stay in shape and I love how I feel after I get done. Energized.

  51. I love the pink socks because I love pink and I also love the 13.1.. I did a marathon last oct but am doing my first half this oct.

  52. Here come the comments (because I NEED to win this giveaway!). I blogged about the giveaway here:


  53. I can't decide on a favorite! I really have been wanting to try the GU, but I'm dying for the 13.1 sticker as motivation for my half in November!

  54. I'm learning to love running for a few reasons: 1) it makes me feel strong, capable, and successful/accomplished; 2) it clears my mind and relaxes me; and 3) it pushes my limits - I run distances I never thought I could. I know I can keep doing it and be successful.

  55. I posted the giveaway on my blog.

  56. I posted the giveaway on Facebook.

  57. The stainless water bottle is my favorite. It looks cool and I'm always needing a way to bring water safely with me in my car.

  58. I love running because it has made me a better person. I'm healthier and happier, plus it is a great family activity.

  59. you are way tooo cute. i am now officially a follower.

  60. i love running for the people and for the high - it is an amazing feeling after a run, like none other

  61. I'm super late in this, but I'm a follower!

  62. And my favorite item is the Gu. I've been wanting to try them for awhile!

  63. Annnnddd, I love running because of the way I feel when I finish a run, short or long, slow or fast.

  64. I love the water bottle because......I like the black and white design with the pop of hot pink!

  65. Although I haven't ran in a while, okay a LONG while, I love it because it makes you feel alive. The sun is in your face, wind in your hair, your heart is pumping...ALIVE!

  66. I am a follower! Thanks for the entry!

  67. I am following! I started reading your blog a million years ago. I love it!

  68. Just starting following your blog, added a note about the giveaway to my fb page, I love the water bottle, although I'm hoping to do a half if my body ever cooperates!
    Running makes me feel strong (most times) I really feel like I'm working my body to its limits and trying to push those limits.
    I used to be a 5th grade teacher too! Now I sub.
