September 12, 2011

Chocolate #9 Review and Giveaway

 I'm so excited to have the opportunity to try and review Chocolate #9 energy gel!  If you're a regular reader of my blog, you probably know about my affinity for Chocolate Outrage Gu.  I have a sensitive stomach and use energy gels as fuel before morning workouts to avoid food tossing around in my tummy, as well as to refuel during long runs and bike rides.  However, being something of a health nut, I've never been a big fan of the lengthy ingredient list on most gels... Chocolate #9 has only TWO ingredients: Agave Nectar and Dark Cocoa. How cool is that?
From the Chocolate #9 website:
Chocolate #9 is a new kind of energy gel.

Chocolate #9 is different because it:

  • is sweetened only with organic agave.
  • contains no refined sugar or other HIGH glycemic index sweeteners.
  • has been – tested and certified – as a “LOW” glycemic index (GI) item.
  • Chocolate #9 LOW GI gel reduces the negative effect of repetitive insulin “spiking” during sustained exercise.
  • won’t cause a sugar high or a sugar low – bonk.
  • is an excellent energy choice for endurance athletes.
  • is suitable for most diabetics – and used by Team Type 1.
  • is an excellent choice for those not wanting to eat refined sugar.
  • is vegan, low fat and gluten free.
  • contains no synthetics – no unpleasant aftertastes – tastes great.
  • contains no “mystery” ingredients, colorings, or preservatives.
  • is easy on the stomach.
  • best of all — Chocolate #9 tastes great.
I knew this was something I needed to check out for myself!  I tried the gel for the first time last weekend halfway through a bike ride when I stopped back home to refill my water bottle.  

Before: I going to like this gel??
 During: Interesting...
The Verdict: YUM!
Since then I have tried Chocolate #9 as pre-run fuel a handful of other times.  I think I like the texture more than Gu--it's a little thinner, more like honey, but less syrupy than Cliff Shots which I'm no longer a big fan of.  The dark chocolatey taste is great!  Love me some dark chocolate... I can't tell yet if it is easier on the tummy like Chocolate #9 advertises.  My stomach has been a little uneasy the past week (what else is new...), so I haven't noticed anything different about the gel, but that's not really Chocolate #9's fault.  Since I'm not running long distances anymore, I haven't had the chance to try this gel out as a mid-run fuel, but I did feel great during the last chunk of my bike ride (although that might be due to taking a break!).  In any case, I am a fan of the taste and texture, love the clean ingredient list, and am looking forward to experimenting more with Chocolate #9 in the future!

Now, here's the fun part--Chocolate #9 has generously given me the opportunity to share this gel with YOU!  Three readers will each receive a 3-pack of Chocolate #9 energy gels, just in time for fall race season!
How to enter (leave a comment for each one completed):

+1: Become a follower of Juice Boxes & Crayolas, or let me know that you already are one! (Mandatory)
+1: Like Chocolate #9 on facebook and tell them that Juice Boxes and Crayolas sent you!
+1: Tell me about your current running fuel or why you'd like to try Chocolate #9!
+1 each: Post this giveaway on your blog, twitter, or facebook and let me know that you did! 

This giveaway will end at midnight on Sunday, September 18th.  Good luck!

DISCLAIMER: Chocolate #9 was kind enough to send me their product to try myself and to share with my readers.  I received no additional compensation for this review, and all thoughts expressed reflect my own opinions.


  1. My current favorite running fuel is GU! I just love the thick consistency of it & they are the tastiest so I'd love to try this & see if it beats :) :)

  2. I like Choc #9 on fb and left comment that you sent me.

  3. Right now I'm fueling with Power Bar. I like that it is not so thick. I love that Choc #9 only has 2 ingredients.

  4. I love your blog and I am a big follower! :o)

    jennkeys @ gmail . com

  5. I am a chocolate fanatic and am always "snacking" on organic dark chocolate. :d) Love it!!!

    jennkeys @ gmail . com

  6. I tweeted this great giveaway @keys4education! :o)

    jennkeys @ gmail . com

  7. I HAVE to eat before I run. When I runin the morning I always start with cereal and 1% milk. I always eat 30 minutes before running. Just last weekend I tried GU for the first time. I was a nervous wreck about trying it because I thought for sure it would gross me out, make me sick, and ruin my run. BUT I knew I had to find something to keep me going during those longer runs. I LOVED the Chocolate GU I tried and I am ready to try more. Chocolate #9 is exactly what I need!!
    PS I am a a dedicated follower of this blog!

  8. chocolate gu is by far my most favorite fuel of choice ever. so obviously i would be OBSESSED with this choc #9!!!

  9. I really like vanilla flavored gu or my trusty cliff chomp blocks. :):)

  10. i am currently very obsessed with the tri berry flavor of gu's. and by obsessed, i mean i LOVE them.

  11. and posted on twitter! good luck everyone!

  12. For long runs, I fuel up with a banana or a small yogurt. I am trying different things right now for added energy. I really like the Honey Stinger Energy Chews and GU Chomps.

  13. Posted the giveaway on my FB page!

    PS GOOD LUCK racing today!!!

  14. I love chocolate, using it as fuel on a run wouldn't be too bad.
