March 26, 2012

still alive :)

Sorry for disappearing--I had a crazy busy couple of weeks between grad school, ISAT, job apps, getting ready for spring break, a St. Paddy's Day 8K, and even a job interview (no news yet, will keep you posted).  But for this week, I am enjoying some Florida sun with the whole family.  Will post more SOON, but for now, I'll leave you with a pic of Dad and my adorable niece, Olivia...


  1. Hi Amy:

    I am sending you good thoughts at this very minute.
    I really hope something opens up for you.
    Thanks for sharing the sweet picture.

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  2. Good to hear from you! Keeping you in my thoughts.

  3. awwww! glad you are doing well! enjoy your time with the fam :)

  4. They look so content! :)

    Hope all works out for a job! How did you do on your 8k? I ran my 2nd 5k this past Sunday and set a new PR! LOL! 34:34! :) Even thought that is slow how come I can't even run that fast on my own??? :)

