April 26, 2012

Job Search: COMPLETE!

Thank you SO much for all of the  encouraging words and supportive advice on my last post about my job decision!!  I am so lucky to not only have such great job options, but such wonderful people in my life.  I wanted to let you know that after a week of some serious soul searching, I decided to take the job in my district working for my old principal.   I had to have a decision made by Tuesday morning, and even at 11pm Monday night I was still undecided!  Ultimately it came down to a couple of practical things...

I am kind of sad not to be moving to a new and wonderful place next year, but after a pretty difficult year in terms of school politics, what I really want for next year is to work with people who WANT to be there, with a strong team, and with a principal who trusts that I know what I'm doing.  I think the team I'll be working with in this position seems like a good fit (so does the age group!  I'm excited to teach 3/4 multiage!), and after having the opportunity to take a tour of the building with the principal, it was a place I could definitely picture myself working.  I had asked if I could have an extra week before making the decision so I could actually fly out to Colorado and see the school, but they weren't able to give me that much time.  With not being able to see the school and get a feel for the team, I just didn't think I could take the job in Denver.  (Although I hear it's an amazing place to live..with attractive outdoorsy men galore...) :)  

Anyways, I accepted the job Tuesday morning.  Phew!  I don't know what I'm going to do with all of my free time now that I'm not spending 1-2 hours every single day looking for job openings!  My plan is to teach next year, see how things go, work on getting through grad school (I should be done next summer), and look for something out of state again next spring.  We'll see what happens.  

Truly, thank you thank you thank you for all of your support and kind words during this job search process.  And now, it's time to finish packing because I'm heading to KENTUCKY tomorrow morning for the Kentucky Derby Half Marathon!!!  YAY!  (Dear IT Bands, please loosen up STAT, k thanks!)


  1. Congrats!!!! and yes - listen up IT bands!

  2. Amy:

    I am so glad that the decision is made!
    Now you can focus on other things in your life... and on great things in store for next year.

    Good luck in the marathon. You remain an inspiration (on many counts!) to me.

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  3. Congratulations :) I haven't taught 3/4 but I have taught a 4/5. It's challenging but doable. I still have no idea what I am teaching next year yet but one of my colleagues told me today she really hopes it is still 2nd because she doesn't want to lose me :)

  4. Best Working Dear friend keep working get more success in the name of LORD.
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  5. Can't wait to read about your year as it is what I teach also. A GREAT age!

  6. CONGRATS! 3/4 multiage---woo-hoo!

  7. I am soooooo glad that everything worked out! I know you are glad to finally have that off of your plate!

    Good luck on the half marathon-you'll rock it! :)


  8. Way to go, Amy!!! I'm so happy for you :))))

    My Running Shortz

  9. I'm so happy for you!!!!
