June 3, 2012

Sprigs Review + Giveaway!

I am so excited to share a couple of great products with you today!  Julie from Sprigs, the awesome company that sells Banjee bands, contacted me awhile back and asked me if I'd like to try out a couple of other Sprigs products.  After browsing their website, my response was something like, "Umm can I try out ALL of your products???"  Seriously, Sprigs makes some awesome things in addition to Banjees, which I love.  I wore my Banjee for the Soldier Field 10 Mile race, and it held a Gu perfectly!  I also love it for holding my keys when I'm running.
Check out my Banjee!
Julie sent me two items: a pair of yogi arms and an organic cotton infinity scarf.  Let's start with the "arms," which are basically a stretchy little shrug designed for yoga.  I was given a pair of Bliss Stitch Yogi Arms in black, size M/L.  (I am 5'7" and fairly slim/athletic, and this size fit perfectly.)  I loved the embroidered design on the back, except it was a little bit scratchy.  Other than that, the arms are comfy!  They are made of organic cotton and are nice and stretchy, making them great for yoga.  
I tried the arms for a vinyasa yoga class.  They were a perfect little "cover up" to wear to the gym, and I kept them on for the first half of the class while we were warming up.  They fit great and were comfortable to wear as I moved through flows and poses, no adjustment necessary.  After about a half hour, I was sweaty and took them off.  The nice thing is that they are easy to get on and off quickly during a class as you start to warm up.  
I also got to try out the Organic Infinity Scarf, which is 42" long looped scarf made from organic cotton and hemp.  I love this scarf!  The feel and weight of the fabric is so soft and light, while at the same time you can wrap it around a few times and get a cozy warm scarf for cooler days.  I absolutely love the color options too--I have a turquoise scarf, but there are many other choices.  I had a tough time making up my mind!
There are so many different ways to wear this scarf.  I typically loop it around twice, but you could for sure loop it three times for a warmer fit for fall and winter, or knot it for a different look: 
Sprigs generously offered to provide me with an extra scarf to give away to one of my fabulous readers!  I will be giving away one turquoise organic infinity scarf from Sprigs.  
Here's how to enter (leave a comment for each)...

+1: Become a follower of Juice Boxes & Crayolas, or let me know that you already are one! (Mandatory)
+1 Like Sprigs on facebook
+1 Follow Sprigs on Twitter @SpriGsville
+1 each: Post this giveaway on your blog, twitter, or facebook and leave a comment to let me know that you did!

This giveaway will end at midnight on Friday, June 8th at midnight.  Good luck!

Disclaimer: Sprigs was kind enough to send me one pair of yogi arms and one infinity scarf to review for my blog, as well as one additional scarf to give away to a reader.  I received no additional compensation for this review, and all thoughts expressed reflect my own opinions.


  1. liked sprigsville on facebook!

  2. following on twitter!

    love this giveaway, fingers crossed!

  3. I follow on Twitter too (@lifewithscouty)!

  4. I've been a long time blog follower! Thanks for the word work pack btw!

  5. I already am a follower of juice boxes and crayons!


  6. I like Sprigs on facebook!


  7. I follow Sprigs on twitter!


  8. I tweeted about the giveaway!


  9. I twitter giveaway

  10. I'm a blog follower!

  11. I follow Sprigs on twitter!

  12. I tweeted!

  13. I like Sprigs on Facebook!

  14. I have one of their scarves and I LOVE THEM! I follow you :)

  15. I am a follower and I love your blog! =)

    Adventures of Ms. Smith

  16. What a pretty colour! (I follow your blog already)

  17. I follow your blog!
    I love scarves, but have never had an infinity scarf!

  18. I'm following Sprigs on Twitter!

  19. I'm a follower of your blog!! :)
