January 12, 2013

Chocolate + Peanut Butter = Bliss.

Happy Saturday!  Just a reminder to enter my Sprigs giveaway, ending at midnight tonight!

The past two Saturdays in Chicago have had weirdo weather!  I was really lucky both days though because I headed out for me run, ended up running in beautiful weather, only to have it turn cold and crappy later on in the day.  This morning is was in the upper 40s!  Shut the front door!  I even pulled a pair of capris out of the back of the drawer!  (Okay, I lied, I pulled them out of the bottom of the hamper, and they were super sweaty and gross after being worn to hot yoga the other day...what, like you never re-wear workout clothes...)

Anyways, I pounded out 9 miles on one of my favorite trails this morning, loving the weather and loving the high school throw back music I loaded on my ipod last night, including some blink-182, third eye blind, and something corporate.  Some days I crave the silence of those long runs in the forest preserve, but today I was literally grinning when some of those old favorites were blasting in my ears!
Tonight I am camped out here, on the floor in front of a pile of grad school hw (and the TV watching Parenthood, my new favorite show!).  I know you are all super jealous of my crazy exciting single girl Saturday nights.  At least I have tea.

And chocolate with peanut butter.  Yum.  Is there possibly a better combination?  I think not.  I have been ravenous all day post-run, and I'm not going to lie--I ate half that bar in 2 bites and will for sure come back for the rest after publishing this post.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Do you ever re-wear workout clothes??  Be honest...

What are you up to this weekend?


  1. I always re-wear my workout clothes in the winter. Not in the summer. As for peanut butter and chocolate, yum!! I always take a spoon of PB and then dip it in the bag of choc. chips. That's actually one of my favorite pre-run snacks!

  2. heather says: yes i have reworn work out clothes too. i love chocolate and peanut butter i always eat them together thats probably why i need to work out more ha. tonight i am planning to watch a movie. nice giveaway thank you.
    hg temp addy at hot mail dot com

  3. I rewear work out clothes as long as they're not TOO gross. Only bottoms though - the shirts go in the wash right away.

    I have this thing where I don't wash pants. They don't get sweaty, except for the parts that have undies beneath them, so why bother? I bought a pair of jeans in February and I only put them in the wash for the first time the other day because they'd gotten muddy.

  4. Um, I pretty much always re-wear workout clothes. Usually they're not too bad, but there was one time when a friend of mine told me I smelled bad before our yoga class had even started thanks to my reworn pants.

    I have heard so many good things about Parenthood- maybe I'll have to check it out!

  5. I ALWAYS re-wear workout clothes. Especially bottoms because I feel like they don't get toooo gross. Shirts I pretty much can't remove from the hamper once they are in there, for good reasons ha ha.

    In other news, my parents live in the Chicago-area and they have been complaining so much about the weather! We have actually been having warmer and more consistent weather here in Alaska. Strange how that works sometimes!

  6. I almost always re-wear my bottoms, shirts are iffy and sports bras are pretty much never because I sweat way too much.

    And I glad you are watching Parenthood, with dark chocolate and PB (although JIF for me is the best PB). I LOVE both the show and the food choices!! :)

  7. Love the throw back high school music! I have fond memories of bopping up and down to blink 182 at my middle school dances. Back when dancing didn't mean grinding...

  8. I do not re-wear my workout clothing. However, with that said, I think you actually have to work out to re-wear workout clothing.

    New to this blog - any tips for an aspiring teacher? I've read a dozen entries and haven't found one.

    1. Hi Zach,

      Check out my post about 12 Ways to Survive Your First Year teaching--you can find it under my Favorite Posts tab.


  9. Did you read the day of Ahmed's secret to your class? I love that book, although my students are often underwhelmed by the secret :-/

  10. I love Something Corporate!!! I was listening to them today on my New Found Glory pandora station. Ha!

    And I totally re-wear gym clothes but only if they aren't sweaty! But I'll give you a free pass this time.

    PS. Going to dig that Peanut Butter chocolate ice cream out of the freezer I've been thinking about for the past hour. Thanks for the photo there! LOL
