January 6, 2014


Greetings from the Great While North, aka Chicago!  It is currently -15 degrees in Chicago--yikes!  Weather forecast when I woke up this morning:

Not sure when I've ever seen a windchill like that!  Around here, that is scary-cold and schools close.  Can't have those poor kiddos waiting for buses in that weather!  Needless to say, I was super pumped to get one extra day of winter break (today was supposed to be our first day back).  Last night I celebrated the extra day by making a big pot of lentil soup with kale (I am seriously addicted to this stuff), cracking open a bottle of wine, and settling in on the couch for 4 hours of Downton Abbey.  Have you watched this show?
Last night was the two-hour season 4 premier, and of course I had to re-watch the two-hour season 3 finale which re-aired beforehand.  SO GOOD.  Thankful there were no deaths in the premier, so even though it was less exciting than last season's drama-filled episodes, I will take it!
Today I'm grateful to have had the morning to sleep in and watch some Netflix before curling up on the couch with a book and some coffee.  I am also grateful that I didn't have to go out in the cold and brave the roads!  I will get to those lesson plans at some point...until then, more coffee. :)
Oh, one more thing--Wednesday will be the return of my What I'm Reading Wednesday series.  I can't wait to share a few good titles with you, so if you're interested in participating, write a quick post and link up Wednesday morning!
 Stay safe and warm out there, Midwesterners!


  1. Glad you were able to enjoy a day off! Our DVR didn't record Downton Abbey last night so I will have to wait until next week to watch the first two episodes. Love that show!

  2. Love Downton Abbey. I DVRed last night's.

  3. Not a fan of Downton Abbey. Currently watching Homeland. We had school today with crazy rain the older section had roof leaks everywhere.

  4. Ha....I don't watch TV unless its HGTV or movies ;)

    We had an ice day on 12/20 (last day before break) and wind chill days today AND tomorrow! My school district very rarely ever closes. They were the last to call it in our county last night but the first today (around 1 p.m.). I really think they just wanted to be first for once :)

    I went in today for a little while anyway because my plan book and everything were at school over the break and I needed to be able to figure out where I am and what I need to move around. Craziness for sure!

  5. I have a snow day tomorrow. I plan to read, relax and stay out of the cold!

  6. We didn't get that cold in DC, but schools were STILL cancelled!
