April 30, 2014

Haiku Sprint Duffle Review + Giveaway!

I'm SO excited to have the chance to tell you about my beautiful new workout bag.  The Haiku Sprint Duffle is hands-down the best workout bag I've had to date.
Source: Haiku

I've had my fair share of workout bags, but none of them holds a candle to this bag.  I'd recently been longing for a new bag--I have no shortage of them, that's for sure, but each time I'd go to pack up my gear, my bags either always seemed too big or too small.  (Goldilocks I may be...)  I was browsing online one day when I stumbled across the Haiku Sprint Duffle, and I totally fell in love. 
 One of my coworkers introduced me to Haiku bags awhile ago, and I love their company background.  On their website, Haiku lists their values as: Quality, Understanding and compassion, Empowering women and community, Environmental ethics, Natural and soulful beauty with a sense of humor and adventure.  Love it.  Many of their bags are made partially from recycled materials, which my tree-hugger heart loves.
Source: Haiku
But anyways, back to the duffle.  I was thrilled when the folks at Haiku agreed to let me test it out AND give one away to a reader.  Here's why I love it:
First, the size.  This bag is the PERFECT size for me.  I'd been switching off between a big Champion duffle bag and a little shoulder bag for the gym, with neither being just the right size.  This bag is perfect for a workout or an overnight.  It easily holds my shoes, clothes, shower stuff for the gym, and gear.  Also, one of my favorite parts is that the bag has an adjustable strap across the top to hold your yoga mat or jacket.  This was a huge draw to the bag for me.  I love being able to stick my mat on top and not worry about it.  I also used the bag for gear check at a recent race, and used the strap to hold my jacket to the bag without having to cram it in.
Second, pockets, pockets, pockets!  Haiku definitely knows what they're doing when it comes to organization.  I seriously was discovering new pockets for days after getting the bag.  There are a few outer pockets, including a zipper one, which are perfect for sticking hair ties, CLIF bars, and your gym id.  Inside, there are two elastic trim pockets which are great for keeping miscellaneous accessories--my garmin, my road ID, my pouch of headbands and hair ties.  I also love the ventilated shoe compartment--no need to worry about my shoes smelling up dirtying up my clothes!
Last, it's not only beautiful, but functional too.  I love the color of the Sea Glass bag--it's just plain beautiful, and the embroidered details are so unique.  But not only that, the straps make this bag way more comfortable for carrying than my old bags.  It's also easy to clean--days after busting out the bag for the first time, it had an unfortunate encounter with some muddy spring grass at gear check.  I was able to clean all of the mud off with just a damp cloth.  WIN!
All ready for my after school yoga time!
Clearly I'm obsessed with my Haiku bag, and I'm SO EXCITED to get to give one away to one of you wonderful readers!  I know you will love this bag as much as I do for the gym, races, overnights--it even looks like the perfect size for an under-seat carry on.  Haiku has generously offered to give away one Sprint Duffle in the color of your choosing to a reader.

Here's how to win--Be sure to leave a separate comment below for each entry!
  • Follow Juice Boxes + Crayolas via Bloglovin', Google Friend Connect, via email (see sidebar), or via any other blog reading platform.  Leave a comment below letting me know how you follow! (1 entry)
  • "Like" Juice Boxes + Crayolas on Facebook (1 entry)
  • "Like" Haiku on Facebook (1 entry)
  • Visit the Haiku website and leave a comment letting me know which color bag you would choose (1 entry)
  • Share this giveaway on your blog, facebook, or twitter (1 entry for each)

That's 7 possible entries!  This giveaway will end at midnight on Tuesday, May 6th.

Disclaimer: I was given one Haiku bag free of charge in exchange for writing this review.  I was not compensated in any other way or encouraged to express a particular opinion.  All thoughts are my own.


  1. I follow juice boxes and crayons on GFC. My username is Carla Shiver

  2. I like juice boxes and crayolas on facebook.My username is Reagan Caleb

  3. I would want it in sea glass :)

  4. I follow juice boxes and crayolas on bloglovin and my username is shroomfrog

  5. I tweeted https://twitter.com/shroomfrog/status/461461817852571650

  6. tweeted

  7. I 'like' Juice Boxes and Crayolas on Facebook!

  8. I follow you on Bloglovin and I like the Raspberry color duffel bag

  9. I already "liked" you on Facebook. :)

  10. I just "liked' Haiku on Facebook

  11. I like the "sea glass" and "midnight cairn print" Sprint bags ... they look pretty amazing! Plus, it will hold my yoga mat?! wowzers

  12. I liked you on facebook!

  13. I liked Haiku on facebook!

  14. I would choose the Sea Glass color :)

  15. Followed you on bloglovin!

  16. I follow on Blog Loving and Blogger.

  17. I liked your FB page from my personal account & from my Teacher in Training page.

  18. I liked Haiku Bags FB page from my personal account & from my Teacher in Training page.

  19. Shared on #RunnerGiveaways FB page https://www.facebook.com/groups/runnergiveaways

  20. liked Juice Boxes on FB as MunchTalk

  21. I love the sea glass color bag!

  22. I'm following via Google Friend Connect.

  23. I tweeted: https://twitter.com/lisarosengai/status/461730015936122881

  24. Already liked Haiku on Facebook.

  25. Oh, I love the Raspberry bag!

  26. OK, I am going to do all required now. I love this bag. I really like the handles especially.

  27. I would choose the black bag!

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  28. Liked Juice Boxes + Crayola and Haiku pages on FB, Followed you via email, Tweeted and FBd this, I would LOVE the Sea Glass!!

    These bags seem amazing and I'd love to try one out.

  29. I like the "sea glass" or aqua-colored one. It would make a perfect Mother's Day gift for my daughter!

  30. I follow with Feedly and Google friend connect!

  31. I like Juice boxes and crayolas on Facebook.

  32. I like the Midnight Cairn print because I love patterned stuff.

  33. I don't follow you on a specific blog reader, I just visit your blog daily and get excited when there's a new post! :)

  34. I Like haiku bags on Facebook !!!

  35. I already subscribe with Google reader!

  36. I shared the giveaway on facebook!
