December 31, 2014

2014 Reflection, 2015 Goals

2014 treated me pretty well.  No need to go month-by-month with a reflection, but I'd say some highlights are definitely in order.  (If only because I like to go back and reread them later on.) :)

In 2014, I took a trip to Texas, two trips to Florida, and a ridiculous amount of trips to Wisconsin.  
Trail Running in Austin, TX
I finished my 5th year teaching and kicked off my 6th. 
All packed up on the last day of school--5 years down!
I managed to get a little bit faster and set a whole bunch of PRs--5K, 8K, Half Marathon, Sprint Triathlon, and of course Marathon.  Phew.  
Just yards away from PRing at the Chi Town Half Marathon
 I raced my first Olympic Triathlon, and while I didn't love the bike leg, I still loved the distance.

I closed out the year having run 12 races and a total of over 1,000 miles which is definitely a new record for me.  2014 for the win!
I set a few goals for 2014 this time last year--let's see how I did!

Goal 1: Continue learning sign language
Outcome: Pass! I had a great time continuing to work on improving my signing this year.  I worked with interpreter friends, signed with my Deaf and hard of hearing students daily, and took a community college class in ASL this summer.  I've truly loved the experience, and I can't wait to continue learning in 2015!
Goal 2: Finish my second marathon and set a PR
Outcome: Pass!  Running the Milwaukee Marathon in October and setting a 50 minute PR was definitely one of the highlights of my year.
Goal 3: Complete an Olympic Distance Triathlon
Outcome: Pass!  I completed the Pleasant Prairie Olympic Triathlon back in July and had a great race despite the less than ideal weather conditions throughout the first two legs!

Goal 4: Incorporate EdModo and/or Blogging into my classroom
Outcome: Partial Pass  I did use EdModo in place of my reading response journals throughout the second half of last year, but I got frustrated that I kept losing our laptop computers every time we completed school wide testing.  This year I never implemented EdModo because of the same situation.  I liked it, but it felt like it wasn't worth the trouble and inconsistency.  If I had more consistent computer access, I would definitely try it again.

Goal 5: Try 12 new recipes
Outcome: Partial Pass  Almost every year I set a cooking related goal, and almost every year I abandon it.  I didn't keep track of all my new recipes this year, but I did try at least a handful of new things.  Mostly soups and chilis. :)  Oh well!
I did cook a few times this year...does that count?
Goal 6: Run a trail race
Outcome: Pass!  I ran the Frozen Gnome 10K trail race last January, my 4th trail race.  During the race I learned both the importance of trail shoes and that I never need to do another winter trail race again.  (The other trail race I did, Cross Country Challenge a few years back, was also in Winter.  What is wrong with me?)  I had a great time, though, and it made for some good memories!
Goal 7: Try clipless pedals on my bike
Outcome: Pass!  I got my new pedals and shoes in April, and I love them!  I didn't even fall once getting used to them.  (Although I did have a few close calls!) 

Goal 8: Persevere!
Outcome: Definite Pass. :)

I really only have one goal for 2015, and it's a big one.  Are you ready for it????

I am simultaneously ridiculously excited and scared out of my mind.  

Good bye, 2014!  2015--BRING IT ON!

Happy New Year :)

December 9, 2014

Year of Running 2014

Because I'm a sucker for a good "reflect on the year" post, I'm linking up with Miss Zippy to share my Year of Running 2014 recap.
Best Race Experience: So easy--the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon.  Not only did I crush my time from my first marathon and set a huge PR, but I had one of the most perfect race days I can remember.  I felt so much love for running during this race!  Beautiful course and just an amazing race experience overall.
Best Run: I'm tempted to say Milwaukee again, but I'm going to pick the run portion of the Pleasant Prairie Tri back in June.  This race was tough overall because of a foggy swim and a windy, rainy bike leg, but everything fell into place during the run.  The sun came out, the scenery was beautiful, and I felt awesome.  
Best new piece of gear:  This is an easy one!  I ADORE the two new Swirlgear tops I bought this year.  They are hands down the best running tops I've ever owned.  Light, functional, and just plain pretty.  I was so bummed to find out Swirlgear will no longer be produced, though!  :(  Fingers crossed that this great company finds a way to get its feet back on the ground someday in the future!
Best piece of running advice you received: Hmmm...I'm not sure about a specific advice, but an overall theme of the year for my running and racing has been to just go for it!  I'm lucky to have so many runners who always support me and encourage me to take on my next challenge--don't be shy and go for the PR, take on a new tri distance, just go for it!  

Most inspirational runner: Again, I'm lucky to have so many great runners in my life, but the girls in my running group this summer just plain have so much heart.  They inspire me every day to get out there do it!

If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be? This one I'm stealing from Miss Zippy!  I don't need a couple of words; one is more than enough!  Joyful. :)

What word(s) would you use to sum up your year of running?