December 9, 2014

Year of Running 2014

Because I'm a sucker for a good "reflect on the year" post, I'm linking up with Miss Zippy to share my Year of Running 2014 recap.
Best Race Experience: So easy--the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon.  Not only did I crush my time from my first marathon and set a huge PR, but I had one of the most perfect race days I can remember.  I felt so much love for running during this race!  Beautiful course and just an amazing race experience overall.
Best Run: I'm tempted to say Milwaukee again, but I'm going to pick the run portion of the Pleasant Prairie Tri back in June.  This race was tough overall because of a foggy swim and a windy, rainy bike leg, but everything fell into place during the run.  The sun came out, the scenery was beautiful, and I felt awesome.  
Best new piece of gear:  This is an easy one!  I ADORE the two new Swirlgear tops I bought this year.  They are hands down the best running tops I've ever owned.  Light, functional, and just plain pretty.  I was so bummed to find out Swirlgear will no longer be produced, though!  :(  Fingers crossed that this great company finds a way to get its feet back on the ground someday in the future!
Best piece of running advice you received: Hmmm...I'm not sure about a specific advice, but an overall theme of the year for my running and racing has been to just go for it!  I'm lucky to have so many runners who always support me and encourage me to take on my next challenge--don't be shy and go for the PR, take on a new tri distance, just go for it!  

Most inspirational runner: Again, I'm lucky to have so many great runners in my life, but the girls in my running group this summer just plain have so much heart.  They inspire me every day to get out there do it!

If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be? This one I'm stealing from Miss Zippy!  I don't need a couple of words; one is more than enough!  Joyful. :)

What word(s) would you use to sum up your year of running?


  1. Yay for a joyful year of running! I also love that Swirgear tank! so sad they are going under :(
    Looks like you had a great year!

  2. I love that you chose joyful as well…kind of the best word to have for it, no? You really did have an amazing year--congrats on so many accomplishments! I love the look of the Swirlgear tops and may have to check them out.

    Now I'm headed over to read your reading choices--I always have my nose in a book and am always looking for new ideas!

  3. Had to comment again--you are one of the only other people I know who has read and loved The Things They Carried! : )

  4. I love that your inspirational runners are the runners in your life. It is so great when you can find inspiration right around you! You are a lucky woman! Happy running in 2015!
