August 24, 2010

First Day!

I'll admit it...I had to hit the snooze button this morning.  Already.  It's the first day of school, and I'm already exhausted!!  Maybe I should have "practiced" getting into the back-to-school routine...oh well!  maybe next year!!  Because I know this will be a long, busy, exciting day, I'm starting out with a delicious breakfast PACKED with protein: oatmeal with banana, blueberries, peanut butter, and sunflower seeds. YUM!  Let's hope it holds me until our new late lunch time at 12:15 (I know that sounds normal, but last year I got very used to an 11:15 lunch.  This could mean a lot of stomach growling all morning!!)

Here's to hoping the 01-11 school year is just as rewarding as the 09-10, but maybe with a few less tears and late nights at school.  :)

(PS- today is the MUCH awaited debut of book 3 in the Hunger Games trilogy, Mockingjay!  Words cannot express my excitement.  Book review on all 3 books in the trilogy to come soon!)

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