April 29, 2011


So I sponsor a club at school called Battle of the Books which is basically a big geek-fest of kids who love reading. :)  My dream come true!  All year long the kids read books and practice writing/answering questions from them in preparation for an end-of-the year "battle" between other schools in the district.  My school is a low-income school in what is otherwise a pretty well-off district (for the most part), and we kind of have a reputation...let's just say when a friend who works in district heard I got a job at this particular school she kind of grimaced and told me good luck!!!  yikes!  Anyways, it's not so bad; crazy as it is, I am happy at my school.  But other schools definitely view us a certain (non-complimentary) way.

Yesterday evening was the much-anticipated Battle.  Our kids have been working SO HARD to prepare, but I don't think ANYONE thought we had a shot.  To say we were the underdog is the understatement of the century.  Well...

Mrs. Lit Specialist, Good Luck Charm Baby J, & Me :)
WE WON!!!!!

This is super exciting for a few reasons.  First, after working SO HARD this year with the kids, to see their hard work pay off (and mine!) and see their excited smiling faces made all of those hours as a club worth it.  Second, how awesome is it to see kids get pumped about literacy and reading?  Come on.  Our society doesn't exactly celebrate achievements in reading very often... The kids are so proud of this badass trophy our school won.  Plus, what a great example to set for other kids in the school that reading is actually pretty cool.  The best part for me, though, was showing other schools in the district that we actually have some pretty amazing, smart kids and good teachers over here at my school.  We work hard too, and so do our kids.  Even Ms. Assistant Principal who accompanied us to the battle was like, "What now?!" :)

I was having some reservations about sponsoring this club again next year because it is so much work, but after seeing the kids get so excited about their win, I'm wondering if it might be worth it...


  1. Congrats again!! You're an awesome teacher and role model :)

  2. Congrats! Nothing like winning a badass trophy ;-)

    And love that Baby Good Luck Charm dangling out of the carrier :) LOVE the baby! LOL

  3. love this...really love this! SO awesome! congrats to everyone!

  4. What a heart warming feeling!!! WAY TO GO!! :)

  5. How exactly does the "Battle" work? It sounds like a cool idea--I'm interested to know a little more!

    And congratulations!!!

  6. Thanks everyone!!! You are all soo sweet. And ~A, email me at juiceboxesandcrayolas AT gmail DOT com and I would be more than happy to fill you in on how to start/run battle of the books!

  7. That's so awesome! A nearby district does this too and I've always thought it was really awesome.
