April 23, 2011

Muddy Buddy, Then & Now

My first ever race was a pretty special one.  I wasn't blogging back then, so I thought I'd do a flashback race recap post.  In August 2008, my very special friend M and I decided to run/bike/crawl the Muddy Buddy race.  :)  Heard of it?  The Muddy Buddy is a silly race that you do with a partner (your "buddy").  You start separately, with one of you running and the other on a bike.  At the first mile marker, Buddy 1 leaves the bike and starts running after completing a silly obstacle.  Buddy 2 will pick up the bike after getting to Mile 1, and start riding.  This goes on for about 6 miles total, culminating in a crawl to the finish through a giant mud pit.  AMAZING.
Pre-Race & Squeaky Clean :)
(I'm on the right)

M had run more marathons and half-marathons than she can count.  At the time, I was barely a runner, still working though my love-hate relationship with the sport, but M convinced me to do this race and we ended up having a blast.  Our team name (you have to register with one) was "21 & Invincible" after the Something Corporate song--fitting because we were both 21 at the time.  The race was on a beautiful farm, and it was great to run and ride on the trails instead of asphalt for a change.  I remember it was super hot that day, but that didn't keep the smiles off of our faces the whole time!  Possibly my favorite part was when we briefly would see each other throughout the race, one of us riding past the other on the bike, always with a huge cheer for our buddy.  Well, maybe that was my favorite part after our reunion and mud crawl.  :)  The pictures speak for themselves...

So. Much. Fun.  I knew when I finished that this was a race I'd like to do again someday...and this week I registered to do the Muddy Buddy Atlanta with my college roommate!  We are SO PUMPED.  L has thought the Muddy Buddy was awesome ever since she say M & my pictures, and since she recently moved out to Atlanta for school, we decided to give it a shot there this summer.  
L & Me Junior Year in College
Always sharing the roomie love! :)
I CANNOT WAIT to do this race, even if it will probably by 90 degrees out in the Georgia sun!!!  Our team name is WeWereInfinite, a quote from the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower.  I couldn't be more excited. :)

What's the coolest race you've ever done?


  1. This race sounds super fun- kinda like Warrior Dash, but less intense!

  2. So exciting!!! I really want to do one of these mud runs sometime soon :)

  3. That looks really, really fun! Someday I'll do one of these mud run things!
