April 25, 2011

Yay Spring :)

I love spring.  It's probably my favorite season--I love that after winter always seems to drag on and on longer every year, spring always comes (no matter how late!).  Flowers, trees, sun--can't beat that.  And I am overjoyed that it FINALLY seems to be here!!!   Hopefully to stay.  I mean, two weeks ago we had an 85 degree day, last Monday it snowed, and Saturday it is 60.  Way to go, Midwest!

Anyways, Saturday I finally got to take my bike to my favorite path in a nearby forest preserve.  I brought my phone in my spi belt to take some pictures.  Now I will warn you, I think this trail is beautiful, but I don't live in the prettiest place in the world!  No beach, mountains, pretty desert...but in the suburbs, it's a relief just not to have to stare at houses and Targets for a change!!! :)

This sign was on a bus stop shelter at the end of my route.  Loved it.
The winds were so strong I was barely moving at a few points, but I still enjoyed a wonderful almost-12 mile ride.  I am by NO MEANS a cyclist--I got passed like 100 times by super intense people--but I loved every minute, even getting covered in mud riding through the puddles leftover from yesterday's rain.  


  1. SO fun! I really want to get a bike and take up biking. there are so many cool places to ride here. Its so nice that it is finally getting warm so we can enjoy the outdoors again :)

    have a good night!

  2. Yay for spring cycling!

  3. I love biking this trail!
