June 25, 2011

Race Recap: Trailblazer "Nutty" 15K

Last weekend my wonderful Girls on the Run co-coach Lauren and I did our long run together and had a great time!  I had 7 miles on the schedule, and running with Lauren made them pass by SO quickly.  After about 5 miles I remember thinking, Wow!  I can't remember the last time miles have ticked by like this!!  Isn't that just the best feeling?  I love running alone, but having a buddy for that long run really spiced up my routine and gave me an energy boost.  When the run was over, we immediately decided that we would do the following weekend's long run together.

So, when Lauren texted me Thursday asking for my thoughts on running a 15K race Saturday for the long run, I had mixed feelings...because I am a PLANNER like whoa, I'm not the MOST flexible person in the world, so I was hesitant to commit to 9.3 miles when I only had 8 on my training schedule.  On the other hand, how could I pass up another fabulous running date not to mention an automatic PR because I've never raced a 15K?  Plus, who doesn't love a RACE?  I know I do. :)  I told Lauren YES as long as we could treat the race like a training run NOT a race.  DEAL!

In true Girls on the Run form, Lauren and I decided sparkly tiaras were necessary...

So were inspirational messages on the back of our shirts ala Operation Beautiful...

We decided to make our "training run race" the most fun experience it could possibly be by cheering ridiculously for every runner who passed us in the opposite direction (it was an out and back course).  We talked, laughed, and generally had a great time.  We didn't worry about how slow we were going or the fact that we finished next to last in the 15K (the trouble with a 5K-10K-15K course--most of the other slow runners run one of the shorter distances!).  We thanked every volunteer and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery on the trail.  But MOST importantly, we grinned and screamed "THANK YOU!" to every runner and volunteer who said, "Way to go Princesses!" or "I love your crowns!!"  Best. Ever.  (Just realized we never took a picture wearing our crowns!  Sad day.)
This race, for some unknown reason, had a squirrel theme.  HUH?  It was hilarious though.  Check out the amazing squirrel tshirt we got...
You know you are jealous and wish you had a squirrel tshirt of your very own...I LOVE SMALL TOWN RACES...After the race, Lauren and I dragged our tired, sweaty, and HUNGRY selves back into the car and grabbed a delicious lunch at Great Harvest Bread.  YUM!!!  This sandwich tasted like pure heaven.
We also stopped and visited Mrs. Mentor Teacher who was working at the running store.  Since I am incapable of leaving a running store without buying something, I snagged this awesome grid foam roller that I've had my eye on for awhile now...
This baby is intense, but I love it already.  I have been foam rolling with a vengence lately, and consequently my legs are smattered with little bruises.  And one gigantic bruise...
I don't know if foam rolling caused this bruise in the first place, but it certainly helped it grow to this ridiculous size!  OUCH!  Anyways, I'm looking forward to a relaxing rest of the weekend with a quiet night tonight and seeing Bad Teacher tomorrow.  Teachers: has anyone seen it yet?  I'm going with some teacher friends and can't wait. :)  

What have you been up to this weekend?  Any races or long runs?


  1. Awesome job on the race! I love raced like that that are just all about having a good time. I am so glad you decided to be spontaneous and sign up! I love great harvest!!

  2. Congrats!!!! I love hearing about your positive experiences. Except for that bruise.. that is concerning!

  3. We are so running this race again next year.

  4. AWESOME!!! i am so glad you decided to run this race...I was talking to someone yesterday about how I wish I could just make all of my LRs races...the water stations are already set up and they are so motivating! haha! I love the tiaras and the shirts you all made. It just sounds like you all had a blast!
