November 16, 2011

Will Give Blood for Twilight

If you've been reading for awhile, you might remember a sort of not-so-secret guilty pleasure reading addiction...
Oh yes, I caught the Twilight bug last year after swearing that I was NOT interested in these books.  But I read them at my book club's request...and then I reread them...and then I read them again...What can I say, I'm hooked.  Why even fight it?  I love Twilight.  Luckily my book club girls LOVE Twilight  (Just to be clear, I love Twilight but I HATE Bella.  Read my thoughts on Bella's annoying-ness here...)  Sooo, you can imagine my excitement last week when I got this email from the blood center I sometimes donate through...
Ummm sign me up!  Luckily the Book Club girls were game too.  I used to donate blood frequently in the past, but it'd been awhile, and this was the perfect extra incentive. :)
One hour, one pint of blood, one gatorade, and one I-think-I'm-gonna-pass-out moment later, and I had my tshirt, not to mention an ultra-processed cosmic brownie.  Score.  Oh and of course it's always nice to help out. (BTW I didn't pass out, but it was a near miss!)  We ended the night with some pumpkin pie ice cream...YUM!
While this wasn't the most exciting evening, it was a fun way to see friends midweek and do something nice for others at the same time.  And of course, who can go wrong with ice cream and Twilight apparel?  ;) You better believe I'll be wearing this shirt when we see Breaking Dawn next week!


  1. What a great idea for a blood drive!

  2. love it! and that ice cream looks super delicious!

  3. I have recently become a Twilight fan, too!!!! OMG! I never read the books (even though I am a bookaholic) or watched the movies because I have never been into vampire stuff (even though I love scary movies)! However, my 64 year old mom talked me into doing a "Twilight Marathon" this past Friday (school holiday), and we watched all 3. I am in love with them!!! We even bought online tickets to go and see Breaking Dawn tomorrow night!!! I am on Team Edward as well even though I am not into pasty white guys! :) Now I've got to go back and read the books (maybe a summer project?).

