October 20, 2012

CLICK Espresso Protein Drink Review + Giveaway!

Between being trying to consume enough protein in my vegetarian diet to keep my tired muscles happy and trying to stay awake for long days of before-dawn workouts, teaching children, tutoring, and grad school, caffeine and protein are two things I am always trying to get my hands on.  I know the importance of protein in a healthy diet, but it is especially important for runners and athletes to consume protein after an intense workout to help those hard-working muscles recover quickly!  Here's the thing--a lot of the protein powder I've tried just plain SUCKS.  I know many people with stronger stomachs than myself can mix up a protein shake and down it no problem, but the chalky flavor so many powders have and the unpleasant after tastes are NOT my thing.  When I heard about CLICK espresso protein beverages, I was intrigued.   What could be better than a beverage with a hearty dose of both protein AND caffeine   I was super pumped to have the opportunity to check out CLICK and write a review.

From CLICK founder Greg Smith:
The innovative idea of combining espresso coffee and protein into a gourmet tasting healthy energy drink that can be enjoyed hot or cold just CLICKed one day...
The idea behind CLICK Espresso Protein Drink was to create a protein drink with the decadent coffee house taste and energy consumers crave along with the nutritional support they need that can be easily mixed with water, milk or their favorite beverage, all in a single 12-14 oz. serving.

CLICK sent me two different flavors of their protein drink to try: vanilla latte and mocha, plus a "blender bottle" shaker.  The only way I've been able to stomach protein powder in the past was to mix it into a blended fruit smoothie, so I was a little skeptical that CLICK would be different from the other brands I'd tried.  I tried the vanilla latte flavor first--per instructions, I mixed 2 scoops of protein powder with 14oz water.  My impressions were that the shaker did a good job getting the majority of the lumps out of the shake and that it dissolved quickly.  There were still a couple little tiny lumps, but I was impressed at the overall "dissolvedness" (yup, I can make up words), which was way better than many other powders I've tried.

What I was most worried about was the flavor--I CAN'T STAND that chalky taste so many powders have!  After my first sip, though  I was totally hooked.  It tasted like iced coffee!  Amazing!  The texture of the shake is thin like iced coffee too, so it drinks like a regular cold coffee beverage.  The taste was awesome.  I LOVED the vanilla latte flavor--it was the perfect level of sweetness and coffee.  The mocha flavor was great too, but a TOUCH too chocolatey-sweet for my tastes.  I now just mix a little less powder and a little more water for the mocha flavor, and it tastes great.
CLICK'in after a 4:30am run!

I have been loving drinking CLICK after morning workouts.  With the equivalent of 2 shots of espresso, not to mention 15g of protein in a shake, it is the perfect breakfast addition.  I made the mistake of drinking it after a night run a couple of weeks ago, and I couldn't fall asleep after, so I can vouch that it's definitely caffeinated   (There is a decaff option as well if that's your thing...)  I'm pretty pumped to have finally found a protein powder that I can just shake up with water and enjoy.  I still love my fruit smoothies, but it's so easy to scoop some CLICK into the shaker and toss it in my gym bag for a before school workout.  There is also a recipe page on the CLICK website with different ideas for "shaking up" (hehe get it?? ;) regular CLICK.  A few days ago I made the Pumpkin Spice recipe for an afternoon snack that will actually fill me up.  Yum.
CLICK'in after a 9mi long run!
Interested in trying CLICK for yourself?
CLICK has been kind enough to offer a couple of deals for my readers!  First, if you're interested in trying out CLICK without committing and buying a whole canister, CLICK is offering a buy one get one free deal on their sample packets.  Click here to claim your CLICK BOGO offer.  (I wish I'd tried a certain rice protein powder that way so that I'd discovered it's nasty and chalky before buying a 20oz canister that will be sitting on top of my fridge forever...)  

Also, CLICK is giving away a starter pack with a canister of CLICK and a shaker bottle to one reader!  Here's how to enter:  (Leave a separate comment for each entry)
  • Be a follower of Juice Boxes and Crayolas and leave me a comment letting me know! (Mandatory)
  • Visit the CLICK website and let me know which flavor or recipe you'd most like to try (+1 entry)
  • Like CLICK on facebook and leave them a comment saying "Amy from Juice Boxes and Crayolas sent me!" (+1 entry)
  • Share this giveaway on your blog, facebook, or twitter (+1 entry each)
  • Leave a comment letting me know why you need a little CLICK in your life!!! (+1 entry)
This giveaway will end Saturday, October 27th at midnight.  I will choose a winner using random.org and post it the following day.  Good luck!

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: I was sent a CLICK starter pack in exchange for writing this review.  I was not compensated in any other way, and all opinions expressed in this post are my own.


  1. I don't think I told you that I got my necklace and how much I love it! Thanks!

  2. I'm a follower (have been for a long time) and I would love to try Click. I'm switching my workouts to early am for the same reason as you - long day of work followed by grad school and homework make me less likely to hit the gym or treadmill after work. If I go first thing in the am, it's really important that I have some protein right afterwards.

  3. Just ordered the single packet with the promo code. Looking forward to the Mocha. I can use a little sugar after a hard workout at 5am.

  4. I like Click on FB and said that you sent me.

  5. I follow you on fb (terri)

  6. Candy cane click recipe looks awesome!

  7. Would love some click in my life for breakfast (aka post workout) i always need more caffine in my mornings!

  8. i need some click in my life because i'm training for my first half marathon!

  9. The hot CLICK Pumpkin Spice recipe sounds perfect. Thanks!

  10. I need some deliciousness with 120 cals and 15g of protein, especially if it's got 2 espresso shot power!

  11. CLICK Sounds right up my alley! Love your blog...I'm a 5th grade teacher too! Runner...not so much :) But I try!

  12. P.S. I would like to try the vanilla latte :)

  13. I follow you using babsaroni69@gmail.com

  14. My flavor is vanilla Latte and I want to try the Pumpkin Spice recipe and the Mocha Me Crazy!

  15. I would love to try the decaf Mocha! Yummy!

  16. I am a new follower btw, and I need a little CLICK in my life because I usually hate protein powders too!! AND I love coffee!!

  17. https://www.facebook.com/bjmarlow/posts/414241611975087

  18. I tweeted:


  19. I need a little Click in my life to keep me going throughout my busy day and help me with my afternoon slump. Definitely healthier for me than the cappucino from the machines at the convenience stores!

  20. Click Facebook follower, now following you. :) I love the Vanilla Latte flavor and I think I'm going to try the Click pudding recipe. Yum!

  21. I'm totally boring...want to try the vanilla latte!

  22. Already like Click on FB...I posted the Amy sent me message on the page.

  23. I need CLICK in my life because I need something quick and easy after runs since my 17 month old has me running around like crazy after runs and I never re-fuel as I should.

  24. I would love to try the pudding recipe (love pudding and chocolate so best of 2 worlds!)

  25. Liked Click on FB and said you sent me

  26. Click helps me recover from my double stroller runs! I have tried the Vanilla flavor but would love to try the Mocha. Thinking about Click waiting for me at home helps me get through tough runs!

  27. Click is liked and commented ;)

  28. I have 3 daughters, 3 dogs, a full time plus job and a life. :) and that's why I need to click!!

  29. I'm a follower, would love to try the vanilla latte. I need a lil click in my life to help with my protein intake. Good luck all!!!
