December 29, 2013

Reflection on 2013, Goals for 2014

Happy New Year's Eve!  In keeping with my tradition from the past few years, I'd like to look back on my goals for 2013 and set some new (big!) ones for 2014.  Here's how I did this year:

2013 Goal: Finish Grad School & become a licensed reading specialist
Outcome: Partial Pass!  I "graduated" (aka got my diploma in the mail) with my Master's degree in May from Olivet Nazarene University.  In July, I passed both tests necessary to get my reading specialist license.  I never actually applied for the license...mostly because it just doesn't seem super urgent!  I will get around to of these days!
Studying away for my tests!
2013 Goal: Stay uninjured (minus lingering ITBS) and foam roll like a crazy person
Outcome: Pass!  I managed to make it through marathon training without any real injuries.  Sure I had aches and pains, and I had a little bit of plantar faciitis, but nothing out of the ordinary for that volume of mileage.  
Foam Roller + Chocolate Milk = Happy Muscles.
2013 Goal: Run a race for charity
Outcome: Pass! I was so pumped to get to run for Autism Speaks during the Chicago Marathon.  Making the commitment to the charity and running for a cause I believe so much in was a huge motivator during training.  I was able to raise over $3,200 for Autism Speaks, making my marathon experience that much more special and meaningful!
 2013 Goal: Apply to have a Girls on the Run site at my school for Spring 2014
Outcome: Partial Credit.  Two other teachers and I talked a lot about GOTR with our principal, but in the end we decided it wasn't the best fit for our school.  While I LOVE GOTR, the financial committment is steep for girls who participate.  In the end, we decided to use a different program, Fit Girls, that focuses on healthy living, running, and also reading/literacy.  We will be starting the program in March and choosing a local 5K to run with our girls.  I'm looking forward to figuring out in more detail what this will look like when we return to school!

2013 Goal: Spend less and save more
Outcome: Pass!  In July when I decided I wanted to have Lasik, I went into full-on budgeting mode, FINALLY creating that budget I've resolved to do for years.  I stuck to it, too--at least long enough to save enough to make Lasik happen for me!  (Worth. Every. Penny.)

2013 Goal: Blog more
Outcome: Eh--partial credit.  I definitely went through phases of blogging more, but there were also phases of no blogging.  In the end, I don't really care.  This blog has always been adn will always be a fun outlet--if it ever feels like a job, I won't post.  I already have a job. :)

2013 Goal: Try to find a bigger apargment
Outcome: Partial credit.  I tried...and then decided that any improvement I could find without destroying my budget just wasn't worth the effort.  Maybe next year...

2013 Goal: Donate my hair to Locks of Love for the second time
Outcome: Fail.  I became completely attached to my hair this year (probably in part due to the fact that I fell in love with my curling iron), and will not be parting with it any time soon!
I got attached to my long hair...
2013 Goal: Run a marathon!
Outcome: PASS!  Woohoo!  This was the big one, and I couldn't be prouder that I accomplished it!
Look how scared I was this time last year!

In 2014 I will...

*Continue learning sign language*

*Finish my second marathon and set a PR*

*Complete an Olympic Distance Triathlon*

*Incorporate EdModo and/or Blogging into my classroom*

*Try 12 new recipes*

*Run a trail race *

*Try clipless pedals on my bike*


That's about it!  Short, sweet, and to the point. 2013 was a beautiful year filled with beautiful memories.  
2014--bring it on!


  1. Hi Amy:
    Congrats on all of your goals... I think that even setting goals is a good step forward, and the fact that you accomplished (partially or completely) so many is commendable. YAY, You!

    Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful and joy-filled 2014!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  2. Hi Amy... Kim again!
    Have you read this blogger? She reminded me of you!

    Sending another happy wish and a cyber hug...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  3. Sounds like some good goals. Have you choose your next marathon yet?

  4. Great work on your goals and I admire you for posting them on your blog. Happy New Year!

  5. Congratulations on 2013 and you can do it for 2014!!

  6. Wow! What an awesome 2013! You will smile every time you think of that first marathon finish - way to go :)

  7. Great job! I will love watching you do the Olympic tri. I just don't dare but maybe you will inspire me.
