April 21, 2011

Three Things Thursday

So today is my birthday.  Which, on a school day, doesn't mean too much. :)  I did purposely write it on our class calendar so I got several "Happy Birthday!"s throughout the day from my kiddos, and I like to think they tried extra hard to be nice to me... :)  We actually had a good, productive day together, so maybe they did put on their best behavior!  In any case, I am officially 24 and probably way too old to be living with my parents and refusing to cook anything for myself short of oatmeal and omelets.  :)

I did enjoy starting my day with these two happy items...
These things are like crack I swear...
Mrs. Mentor Teacher replenished my stash of Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Espresso beans.  :)  

Mrs. Literacy Specialist (who is also a peace-loving hippie teacher) brought me this adorable mug filled with dark chocolate...hmm I'm seeing a pattern...

I think my IT band is *FINALLY* on the mend!!!!!  (*silent cheer*) Tuesday I ran 3 miles with NO knee/thigh pain.  MIRACLE!  This is the first time since February's half-marathon that I've been able to reach 3 miles without discomfort.  Hooray!  Additionally, I got a massage this evening (my last for a looong time as I've decided I need to probably stop living like I make a six-figure salary if I ever hope to move out of my parents' house...*tear*), and the therapist said my legs felt WAY better!  She even had time to massage my back!  (Yes, my massages usually consist of 60 minutes of digging into my legs with me holding back tears.  Not so relaxing.)  It was pretty exciting to have a relaxing, relatively-painless massage for a change. :)

Can I just share for a moment how happy I am that this is a three-day weekend??  My gosh, I feel like this is the best birthday gift in the world.  Now that the kids have decided it is almost summer (which it kind of is...but come on we are still learning here!!), they are extra silly squirrels.  I believe that from here until June, every week should be a four-day week.  Who's with me?!?  :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok sorry, I already tried to post it but I don't think it worked.

    Weird coincidence - today is my 24th birthday too! Happy birthday to you...I hope you have a WONDERFUL day, and weekend!! =)

  3. Happy Birthday! :)

    Sometimes I do think that our students can be real charmers when they realize a day is special for us.

    And AMEN to the 3-day weekend (mine was 4 thanks to taking today off). I definitely needed it! Feels like Spring Break was a million years ago!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!! and pumped your leg is feeling better!! that is awesome!

  5. happy birthday!!

    and i gave you a clap and a half for no more it band pain!!

  6. Happy (belated) birthday! Glad to hear your IT band is getting better!
