April 21, 2011

More Writing Gems & The View from Here

First off, a big THANK YOU to What the Teacher Wants for featuring my post 12 Tips for Surviving Your First Year Teaching as part of Management Mondays!  Also, welcome to my new readers!  I'm glad you're here. :)

This week in literacy we read a short article about Lewis and Clark.  Needless to say, my already social-studies challenged students are now sufficiently chronologically mixed up, as we are also studying the american revolution...we talked about valley forge and how the soldiers didn't all have shoes yesterday, and sure enough today one of the kids is worrying about lewis and clark not having shoes...ANYWAYS, I was hysterical when I read this writing response from  one of the kids:

PROMPT: Do you think you would have wanted to be a part of Lewis and Clark's expedition?  Why or why not?
(Warning--spelling is FRIGHTFUL...)

How is THAT for voice?!

On a different note...I also wanted to share with you the view from my desk...it's now facing the wall after one of my many furniture moving adventures, and I like having my little bulletin board right at eye level.  Here it is:

Memos, to do lists, and some smile-inducing things like pictures of my family (including the adorable kid pic of me and big brother with our halloween pumpkins at the top!) And some quotes...on the left side is a page I pulled from a magazine with one of my favorite quotes:

Do not ask what the world needs.  
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

This quote was really special to me my senior year in college when I was spending a lot of time puzzling over my life and post-grad choices...it's a great reminder that I teach because, even when it's draining, it really makes me feel alive.  :)

Hanging in the bottom center is another piece of inspiration.  I was recently reminded of the poem "Undivided Attention" by Taylor Mali by Lauren, my fellow Girls on the Run Coach.  A beautiful poem about teaching, I decided to hang a copy right at eye level.  (Read the full text here) Because some days you just need a little reminder why you're doing this job...

Hope you're having a great week!  Yay for a day off school tomorrow!


  1. That student work is hilarious! (But I can relate: I'm that kind of a person too!). And I love that quote by your desk :)

  2. that response is awesome!! haha. I wish I was witty enough to come up with that answer as a kid!

    hope you have a good day!

  3. You're totally welcome! I'm mostly happy to have a 5th grade teacher blog friend! Where do you teach?

  4. P.S. I want a copy of your to do list. Is that possible? :)

  5. I am so glad you posted Undivided Attention by your desk. :)

    Oh, Taylor Mali. How I love him.

    I also LOVE that Lewis & Clark answer. "No way, Jose!"

  6. ...GREAT voice! Also, just wanted to let you know you visited my personal blog when posting a comment the other day, but since there was no time to have a personal/social life during student teaching...I've recently created a teaching blog, too. LOL. So anyways, you can follow me there now (www.teachersknoweverything.blogspot.com). Thanks again!

    p.s. I'm also 23, living at home, and vegetarian. HaHa :)
