September 18, 2011

"I'm a Runner Again!!!" Lung Run 5K Recap & Giveaway Winners!

First things first.  Thank you to everyone who entered my Chocolate #9 energy gel giveaway!  This product is really great, and I'm excited to share it with some of you!  The winners of the Chocolate #9 3-packs are...

Kim @ Finally Fit 2011!  
Rachelle @ Running for Trevor
Melinda @ Melge Hates Running!
  Congratulations ladies!  I know you will LOVE chocolate #9.  Email me your address asap at juiceboxesandcrayolas AT gmail DOT com to claim your prize!  Stay tuned for another fun giveaway tomorrow!

In other news...Yesterday I lined up at a starting line with other runners for the first time since June!  Miss R and I ran the Lung Run 5K and had the BEST time!  I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty darn nervous about how my legs would hold up since they've been a bit touch and go these days as I've been returning to running.  But I'm happy to report they felt GREAT!  The race was at a beautiful location--right in the heart of the city, just off the lake.  Miss R and I hung out in the cool sunshine killing time before the race...

^I may or may not have had those CEP sleeves on nonstop for about 36 hours before the race...
Hey, I'll take all the help I can get!!
The race was pretty small in terms of participants, but it definitely didn't have a "small race" feel! (In a good way.)  Since it was for lung cancer research, there were a ton of great sponsors (read: a ton of great swag).  Mario Tricocci beauty school was even giving free polish changes!  Truth be told, the polish was put on quickly and was kind of sloppy, but who can say no to painted nails while waiting for a race to start?  Not me!
After hanging out by the lake for a bit, it was finally time to line up with the other runners, and before we knew it we were off!  Miss R and I ran 3/1 intervals and ROCKED some negative splits on this race!  We managed to shave over a minute off of our average pace between miles 1 and 3!  Mostly, we just had a wonderful time.  When we passed the 3 mile mark, we both kicked it up a notch and ran our own races to the finish.  My plan for this race was to do my best and use it as a gauge to see where I'm at in terms of speed and fitness after my spotty past 2 months of running and injury.  I had no time goal in mind, but was ELATED to see that my final time was only 1 minute slower than the PR I set in May!  After the summer of injury I had, I couldn't believe it!  I finished at 32:35 and Miss R finished just 1 minute behind me.  She rocked this race!  
After the race we ran around scooping up all of the food we could carry, including cupcakes from a local cupcake shop!  YUM!  Everything was delicious except the muscle milk, which was probably one of the grosser things I've ever tasted...Seriously, do people really drink this stuff?? 
I then proceeded to collapse in the grass and refuse to get up for about 15 minutes...
 Between the great location, wonderful running buddy, awesome eats, and perfect race weather, I loved everything about this 5K.  What I loved MOST though was the overwhelming feeling I had all day yesterday after finishing--I am a runner again.  I can do this.  I know there is more to running than racing, but this race reminded me that my body really is healing and I really am making a comeback.  Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything silly in terms of upping mileages, but I DO feel more confident than I have in a long time.  I also feel like I have it in me to set a new PR this fall.  I'm running a local 5K next Sunday and hope that it's in the cards for me then!

Also...I have a new Big Race on the horizon!  My perpetual running inspiration, Michelle, and I are registering today for the Kentucky Derby Half Marathon!
Michelle makes running a marathon sound as easy as drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.  She's the one that got me to do my very first race, the Muddy Buddy 2008!
Even after we raced the Muddy Buddy, for years I looked at her race medals and pictures and never in my wildest dreams thought we'd run a distance race together.  When I finished the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February, Michelle texted me immediately after asking when we were going to race together.  We talked about a couple of ideas, but nothing serious.  A few weeks ago, though, we decided that a race together needs to happen!  We thought the KY Derby half sounded pretty perfect.  I can't wait for the race and to run with such a special friend!  Michelle has since moved out of state, and I haven't seen her for over a year.

Don't worry, I am fully planning on using the next SEVEN months to gradually build up a mileage base and increase my mileage ridiculously slowly.  I have definitely learned from my Stupid Runner training woes!  I also made a pact with myself NOT to put cross training, strength training, and yoga on the back burner.  I know now that they are important part of my staying injury-free.

Who first inspired you to start running?


  1. yayyyyyyyy!!!! loved reading this!!!! CONGRATS!!!! and ummmmmm meet-up at the derby race!?!?!?!?! me and my sis and my bro are all running it!!! woo hoo!!!!!

  2. This looks like such a fun time! And yummy swag at the end, you really got a lot. Never tried muscle milk...but now I won't bother, ha!

  3. Wow congrats on getting back in there! So glad you had a great race & good luck on the 1/2!!!! THANKS for the awesome giveaway!!!

  4. Yayyyy congrats sooo happy for you!!! :) :)

  5. Wahoo! I nominated you for "The Versatile Blogger" award! Go back to my blog: for more info!! Thanks for being awesome!

  6. I live in Louisville and have run the KY Derby half-marathon (2010). It's a great race that takes place during the most exciting time in our city--Derby time! Maybe I'll see you there!!
