September 16, 2011

Finally Racing!! (+ giveaway last chance!)

Last chance to enter my Chocolate #9 giveaway!!  There will be THREE winners, so you have great odds!  It ends tomorrow at midnight, so what are you waiting for??  This stuff is delish.

I'm running my first race in months tomorrow morning--eek!  I am filled with equal parts fear and excitement.  Fear: my legs will cramp up, my legs will cramp up, my legs will cramp up... You get the idea.

Wonderful college and teacher friend Miss R and I are running a 5K in the city this weekend.  I'm so excited to race with her!  Miss R's first race ever was the Girls on the Run 5K this summer.  Her wonderful running buddy, a fifth grade girl, was more of a WALK-runner, emphasis on the walking, so that was a pretty leisurely race.  (Note: There is NOTHING wrong with walking, especially at Girls on the Run!!! Just sayin' is all.)  I know Miss R is going to love the race atmosphere and the endorphines that come along with it though!  Although I am bummed that there are no tiaras involved in this race...
Miss R lives in the city so I'm crashing at her place tonight...I just shoved a whole bunch of random running clothes into a duffle bag, crossing my fingers that I have SOMETHING appropriate for the unpredictable fall weather!  I am pretty sure I have at least 3 complete running outfits for different temperatures, but I'm pretty sure I forgot essentials like toothpaste and a hair brush...don't worry, I DO have my grid foam roller (obv), 4 pairs of compression sleeves, and 4 headbands.  You know, the important things. ;)
Here's hoping my legs loosen up a little and the sun decides to show its face!  It's just a 5K and I'm excited to run with a great friend, so no matter how my legs feel and how slow my time is,  it will be a good race. :)  

What are your weekend plans?  Are you racing this weekend?  


  1. Good luck on your race!! I just signed up for my first 5K in ten years! I've walked a few before, but I'm excited to get back into racing!!

  2. Yay!!!! Good Luck on your 5K!!

  3. I'm sure you kicked butt on your 5k this morning! So much more enjoyable to run with a friend. Hope yall have a great time!

  4. Hope you had a great race! I'm sure it was awesome!

  5. Hope it goes well! I love that you packed The Grid... I take mine with me on the road, too :)
