November 26, 2012

A Race to be Thankful For

Happy belated Thanksgiving! :)  Hope you ate tons and relaxed like crazy.  I know I did.  I took a break from blogging because I spent the long Thanksgiving with my family in sunny Florida.  Even though I ended up coming down with a bad cold at the start of the trip, I still enjoyed tons of time with my wonderful family and beautiful niece.  What a perfect way to celebrate all of the things I have to be thankful for.  The highlight of the trip though was the culmination of the past few months of training and a race I'd been looking forward to since I heard about it this time last year--the Space Coast Half Marathon!  I'm still too tired from the trip (and being sick...oh and a crazy Monday back at school with the monkeys...) to do a full recap yet, but here's my favorite picture:

Oh, and by the way...I blew my half marathon PR outta the water!  I dug deep and pulled out a race I didn't even know I had in me, taking over 16 minutes off of my previous PR.  I think I am still in shock.  I can't wait to tell you all about it soon when I can find the words to truly do the recap justice.  :)
All in all, it was an amazing weekend that reminded me about the many, many ways I am blessed and the things I have to be thankful for, including the gift of running.


  1. Glad you had a good holiday with family and congrats on your PR!!!

    Here's to the gift of running!! :)


  2. so glad I found your blog....I really can't find any other blog that is similar to mine- teaching AND other stuff. so excited to follow you!

    Find me at


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