September 9, 2012

Slow Start Sunday

Good morning :)  My training schedule called for an early morning swim followed by an hour of vinyasa yoga today, but when I woke up still exhausted and with a headache after spending the whole night asleep on the couch, I decided training could wait and made a big pot of coffee instead.  Why did I sleep on the couch?  Oh you know, because I washed my sheets yesterday and have yet to put them back on my bed...without fail, anytime I change my sheets, I end up sleeping without them one night because I am never on top of things enough to get them back on the same day!  (I know, I should probably buy a second set of sheets...)
Anyways, where was I.  Oh yes, my slow start to the day.  Instead of getting in my car and getting to the gym, I decided to sit on my balcony with a book and coffee for awhile--until I got cold!  It's in the 50s here this morning!  Crazy, huh?  I could go for a FEW degrees warmer, but I'm loving the start of fall.  (I moved my book and coffee indoors instead :)
My plan for the day involves louging around until the coffee is gone, then putting away laundry, putting sheets on my bed, and finishing my lesson plans.  My dad is coming over this afternoon to paint a chalkboard wall in my apartment (!), hang a new painting my friend made for me, and help me put together a headboard I just bought from IKEA.  Ladies and gentlemen, after these projects are finished, my apartment decorating mission will be COMPLETE.  After only 14+ months of living here, too... :-/  I'll post pictures of the finished product if I ever get this place cleaned up!
I've got the chalk, just need the wall!
What are your plans for your Sunday?


  1. Football starts today! We are big Buffalo Bills fans here. I love lounging Sundays where my husband is watching the game, and I can do school work and blogging stuff.

  2. Can't wait to see the chalkboard wall. It was 43 here this morning.

  3. haha! i am the same way with sheets and sunday is ALWAYS my lazy whatever i think/feel/comes to mind! its like "my" day and i look forward to it every week! im glad you enjoyed a relaxing day at home!

  4. Now I feel free to admit I'm the same way when it comes to sheets on the bed. Or sheets not on the bed in my case! :)

    If you buy some more sheets could you have a giveaway so I can win them? :)



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